About Me

I am at Florida State College Jacksonville in the Office of Learning Services. I lead the custom learning solutions for our new small business unit Global Education Learning Solutions GLS. I enjoy presenting at various conferences on my work and research interests. Currently I am very interested in mobile e-books, immersive exploratory learning objects, offline synchronizing LMS technologies, and situated cognition. Additionally, I am experimenting with ways immersive virtual environments such as Second Life may be used to support teaching and learning. One fascinating book I recommend for those interested in virtual worlds is Synthetic Worlds by Edward Castronova. Last year I completed a multiple case study exploring student learning experiences with mobile e-books, with a particular focus on situated learning and am interested in the learning applications of social media.....

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sample Intervention Plan Assignment 5

I have had a few questions about a good example of assignment 5, the intervention plan.   Please see the link below for a high quality example from a previous student [used with permission].

Dr. Kissinger

Sample Intervention Plan