About Me

I am at Florida State College Jacksonville in the Office of Learning Services. I lead the custom learning solutions for our new small business unit Global Education Learning Solutions GLS. I enjoy presenting at various conferences on my work and research interests. Currently I am very interested in mobile e-books, immersive exploratory learning objects, offline synchronizing LMS technologies, and situated cognition. Additionally, I am experimenting with ways immersive virtual environments such as Second Life may be used to support teaching and learning. One fascinating book I recommend for those interested in virtual worlds is Synthetic Worlds by Edward Castronova. Last year I completed a multiple case study exploring student learning experiences with mobile e-books, with a particular focus on situated learning and am interested in the learning applications of social media.....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fall EEX2010 352535 Welcome to Class!

EEX2010 Fall Students,

Welcome to class. This is a short 8 week course, so please make sure to stay up on your assignments, exams, and [very important] your weekly class discussions. Post often, meaningfully, and build your community knowledge base! Email, tweet, or call with questions etc.


Dr K
twitter jeffkiss
email jkissing@fscj.edu
phone is in FSCJ directory

Fall EEX4201 Teacher Interview Questions


Many have started to work on your teacher interviews, and have been asking for the questions. Here they are, good luck and have fun! Dr K

1. What are your professional goals?
2. Describe ways that you use standards in your classroom.
3. How do you integrate mathematics and science in your classroom?
4. Briefly explain your classroom rules, rituals, or routines
5. Piaget and Vygotsky were both constructive teachers and believed in the deep importance of social development. Could you comment on how you feel about social development in your classroom?
6. How do you feel that young children acquire knowledge over time

Monday, August 22, 2011

Last Call Summer Education Students

Attention Lifelong Learners,

Class ends officially Friday 8.26.11, so please make sure all of your assignments have been sent to me [EEX students please simply email them to me], quizzes/exams have been taken, and you have sufficiently participated in your discussions.

By all means if you are missing grades for anything please send me a detailed email, upon which I will immediately grade your attachments.

Thanks again for an enriching summer! Dr K

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer EEX4201 Grades

Good morning EEX4201 students,

I have updated your grades with the exception of articles 1 and 2, group project, the field placement reflection, literature review, and discussions 9 and 10. I will be working on these next week. If you are missing a grade for something other than these please email it to me, including missing discussion grades, include your name and the course tile, and I will grade immediately.

Group project team leaders: email me your project including all the team members along with the title of this course and I will begin grading these. I have enjoyed your class, including the interesting topics and direction you took in the discussions and in your assignments. There was a lot of creativity. Finish strong in this course where we have less than two weeks. Class ends on 8.26. Good luck...

Dr. Kissinger

Summer EEX4231


I have caught up your grading up until assignment 6 and discussion 7. If you are missing a grade email me the assignment and clearly label the course, your name, and the assignment now. Same applies for each discussion, email it to me with the details and I will grade.

Group team leaders: email me your group projects along with each of the members of your team. Also include the course title please.

Overall, this has been a strong course, so lets finish the course along those lines. We have less than two weeks left as the course ends 8.26. Good luck...

Dr. Kissinger

Summer EME2040 Grades & Research Papers

Good morning EME2040 students,

I have just finished going through your grades up until discussion 6 and lab assignment 6. The assignments that have been submitted have been done quite well, however to those how are behind submitting assignments and posting discussions I strongly recommend picking up the pace as there are less that two weeks left in this class, which ends on 8.26.

Research papers: please see my previous blog post on how to maximize your grade, you won't be sorry that you did. APA and in-text research citations are crucial for top scores, and this paper is worth up to 440 points towards your final grade. Hang in there, we are almost to the finish line...you all are doing quite well.

Dr. Kissinger

Monday, August 8, 2011

last weeks of class

Education students,

This has been a great group of summer students! Lets make sure to keep up the pace in the final weeks of class. I will be catching up on all your grades this weekend, so please get them all in. You all are doing great, hang in there as we finish the course.

Dr. Kissinger